Welcome to the home page for my artistic and botanical endeavors; browse through pages to view my art images, resume or CV, list of events (including workshops, shows, and lectures), and information on purchasing sets, prints, gift cards, and originals. My work can be purchased at selected retail outlets, from this website (see gallery page), and can also be seen and purchased at Chimera Gallery, on Lopez Island, WA. Stop by and say hello: you may find me there!
See UPDATED CALENDAR, with 2024 Shows, Workshops, and other events.
See a selection of Linda's hand-painted silk hangings and scarves.
Vorobik Botanical Art has a facebook page.
Follow Linda's Blog for drawing/painting hints, botanical essays, book reviews. |
Sign up for bi-monthly newsletter to receive event updates, botanical art tips, or Vorobik's botanical forays.
Updated March 20th, 2024: Linda's Botany and Botanical Art Events through 2024: Workshops, shows, and other events
NOTE: all card prices will be increasing in 2024; you can still order now at the prices here but orders will not be shipped until mid April. Start at my Gallery Page for links to purchase cards and prints. Thank you!
Find me outside the SBBG store with silk and botanical art for sale. 25% of sales given to the Education Department.
Here is a link to Scot Pipkin's 2023 interview with me. Scot my contact for when I offer botanical art workshops at the garden. |
NOTE: I am still working with new website software so pages look a bit wonky! My apologies!
Saturday, March 23rd, 2024 10 am through 3 or 4 pm. Sale of my botanical art and hand-painted silk at the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden. I will have a variety of my silk scarves for sale, along with notecards and prints of my botanical art for sale. Stop by to say hello, to ask for a botanical art drawing or painting demonstration, or to do some shopping!

Sketch Your Way to Better Botany!
Saturday and Sunday, April 20th and 21st at the Lopez Island Historic Center School ("The Grange") This workshop is great for anyone who wants to learn or re-learn some basic botany and improve their drawing skills. Cost is $140 for the weekend if paid before April 1st, and $160 if paid after. For more information or to sign up, contact me at vorobik@gmail.com. Hope to see you there!

Saturday April 27th. Sale of my botanical art and hand-painted silk on Lopez I. at the Tour de Lopez bicycling event.
Saturday May 11th. Sale of my botanical art and hand-painted silk at the Skagit County Master Gardener's Fair.
Most Saturdays, May 25th through mid September: Sale of my botanical art and hand-painted silk at the Lopez Island Farmer's Market.

Six West Coast Ferns Card Pack at $18
Six West Coast Ferns, my new card pack of six 5 inch by 7 inch cards printed on watercolor paper with a deckled edge. $18 per box.
NOTE: Soon my 5 by 7 inch cards will go from $4 each to $5 each, and my invitation sized cards will go from $3 each to $4 each.
Also NOTE: Orders placed now will not be shipped until mid April; I am traveling until then. Know that each and every order is appreciated!
Thank you!
I will host any botanical art or botany workshops at a location of your choice, if I have enough interest. For more information, email me at vorobik@gmail.com.
I have posted information
for commissioned botanical illustrations.
This would be of interest to botanists wishing to commission illustrations
and to other illustrators interested in my fees or business procedure.
For teachers: I have posted
a PDF for teachers to use, illustrating different types of inflorescences,
or flowering stalks. And for those learning about botanical art,
I have posted a botanical
art annotated bibliography (first draft).
Happy exploring the wonderful
world of plants & revelling in nature through art!
the artist:
Linda Ann Vorobik, botanist, editor,
and illustrator of numerous botanical publications, cherishes all
three west coast states as home. She holds a PhD from the University
of Oregon, and conducts field research and teaches in the
Siskiyou Mountains and at other sites. She currently lives on
Lopez Island, Washington, and is affiliated with UC Berkeley and UW Seattle herbaria. |
Linda has over 25 years of illustration
and college level teaching experience, and is principal illustrator
of, for example, The Flora of Santa Cruz Island, The
Jepson Manual: Vascular Plants of California, and has contributed
many illustrations to the Morphology and Evolution of Vascular
Plants. For more information, see her Resume.
For a complete list of her work experience and publications, see
her Curriculum Vitae. |
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